Monday, November 21, 2005

The Economist: Sharon Shakes Up Israel

For foreign policy wonks, this may be the biggest story of the day. It seems like one of those developments that everybody saw coming, but somewhat like a real natural phenomenon, it sent shockwaves anyway.

During Live From the Headlines on CNN this was compared to George W. Bush leaving the Republican Party. I think more apt comparisons would be figures like McCain or William F. Buckley leaving the GOP or, perhaps and even better one, Steve Jobs leaving Apple. So perhaps Ariel will return to Likud someday and lead a resurgence.

I wouldn't bet on it.

Washington Post: Warner Out On The Road

Would the Democrats ever nominate another red-state governor with "teeth like mah-jongg tiles;" it would not be the craziest thing to ever happen. It it very exciting to have a seemingly good crop of Democrats eyeing the White House, especially since so many have been saying there are no good candidates since 2000. Now it finally seems the might actually be wrong.

As a Virginian whose vote helped this sudden excitement about Mark Warner, I am very proud so see reasonable centrists becoming so popular. Hopefully this trend can go the distance. The Exile remains hopeful.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Real Clear Politics: The Most Dangerous Lobby In America

Robert J. Samuelson writes great columns for several of my favorite publications and news sites, including RCP. This piece outlines a few of the problems facing the efforts to reform social spending in the federal budget and the role that the AARP plays in adding to the problem. Hopefully the generations will learn how they can actually be fair with one another, but it probably cannot be done without a few feelings getting hurt.

Slate: Where The Buck Stops

If the White House can take advice from Charles Krauthammer, perhaps it might also listen to Sen. McCain. That'll be the day.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Washington Post: The Possible Perils for a Perfect Candidate

Short but interesting column by George F. Will on the prospects for Sen. Russ Feingold. I wise old man suggested, what seemed to be a rather crazy idea, a bipartisan ticket for the White House. A new McCain-Feingold for 2008? Almost certainly not. But one can always dream.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Boston Globe: The Importance of the Old Dominion

Tom Oliphant presents an interesting explanation of the predictive nature of Virginia politics for nationwide trends. It is important to note that the Democratic victory in the recent gubernatorial race was not for the liberal wing of the party, but for moderates who see the virtue in blending a progressive agenda with a willingness and ability to work with the opposition.

Update: US News: Old Dominion Lessons via RCP

Washington Post: A Moderate Comeback

David Broder via Moderate Voters makes an interesting statement about what motivates the recent assertiveness of the political center.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Yale Daily News: Three Wishes Helping American Economic Decline

Having not watched this television show for more than five minutes, I cannot give much commentary on how accurately this piece portrays it. However, the incisive commentary on the distortions of American life portrayed on television are right on. Even putting consumerism aside, American television gives a strange view of how Americans do live that has a serious impact on how we feel, not think, about the way in which we ought to live. From toddlers up to senior citizens, we could all use a reality check. Please make all checks out to

Monday, November 07, 2005

Andrew Sullivan: War on Torture

This is an interesting take on the battle over executive wartime powers as they pertain to intense detainee interrogation (read: torture). This makes me think that the brief battle over Miers was perhaps not so trivial. By this I do not mean that this torture debate is new or that it is in a logical sequence following the crisis that her nomination provoked, but it shows the virtue in the Republican Party. When some are willing to break with the leader of the Party on a just principle (ensuring the competence of a SCOTUS justice) it empowers others to challenge IN PUBLIC and on a broader scale. Certainly the issue was always set to be contentious, but I feel that the defeat on Miers did something to bolster more independent figures and win them more support in the mainstream GOP.

I am hopeful that the lobbying by Cheney for a CIA exemption to the anti-torture provision will be defeated, and at the very least it will draw attention to a problem of a systemic disregard for principles for the sake of convenience.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Exile, I need a comment on this:
Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican.

Such attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an 'Uncle Tom' and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log.

Operatives for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) also obtained a copy of his credit report -- the only Republican candidate so targeted.

But black Democrats say there is nothing wrong with 'pointing out the obvious.'
I don't want to have to ask "where's the outrage?" so please don't make me...