The Travails of the Legal Immigrant
via Moderate Voters
The Exile and his Web provide thoughtful commentary on civic life, earnestly seeking common ground.
McCain will plainly be challenged in the same way Hillary has been, to dissuade people from listening and taking seriously the message that hope is the right place to start looking for unity and solutions to the worsening problems of America. Obama needs a VP who can shore up his foreign policy and military chops. I have been reading up on Anthony Zinni for a few days and I believe that the former Marine Corps General and CENTCOM Commander could be persuaded. His long opposition to the war, like Obama he voiced it before the invasion, coupled with a grasp of military affairs that dwarves that of Senator McCain could make for a potent combination. What's more, Zinni is a bonafide expert on foreign relations and while he has not expressed political ambitions, others clearly see it for him.
President Bush will try to say of Obama:
The only foreign policy thing I remember he said was he's going to attack Pakistan and embrace Ahmadinejad.but what he will not tell you is that while he is busy crowing about how he needs the authority to do away with warrants for the sake of the imperial presidency, the CIA is able to do it job quite well when it acts decisively in a manner advocated by Obama, a man who actually understands foreign policy better than the "Decider". Coincidentally, that man also knows why the US Constitution is worth following.
Human Rights Campaign: Obama Takes Clear Stand Against Don't Ask Don't Tell